{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns               #-}

-- | Bioshake is a small framework for specifying bioinformatics pipelines. The
-- goal is to specify phases in a forward chaining manner (as is natural for the
-- domain) while guaranteeing as much robustness as possible to errors such as
-- mismatched file types or other attributes. Almost everything is handled in
-- the type system, and pipelines are compiled down to "Development.Shake"
-- 'Rules' for actual execution.
module Bioshake( module Types
               , module Implicit
               , module Tags
               , All(..)
               , Referenced(..)
               , Capture(..)
               , ignoringIOErrors
               , withTempDirectory
               , bioshake
               , out
               , withAll
               , withPair) where

import           Bioshake.Cluster.Torque
import           Bioshake.Implicit                as Implicit
import           Bioshake.Tags                    as Tags
import           Bioshake.Types                   as Types
import qualified Control.Exception                as E
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Trans
import           Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import           Data.List
import qualified Data.Set                         as S
import           Data.String
import           Development.Shake
import           Language.Haskell.TH
import           System.Directory                 (copyFile,
import           System.IO.Temp                   (createTempDirectory)

-- | Attaches a reference genome.
class Referenced a where
  -- | The path to the reference fasta file.
  getRef :: a -> FilePath

  -- | The short name, e.g., hg19.
  name :: a -> String

  -- | Path to dbNSFP for the genome
  dbnsfp :: a -> FilePath
  dbnsfp _ = error "dbNSFP not available"

-- | References flows down the pipeline regardless of the phase
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Referenced a => Referenced (a :-> b) where
  getRef (a :-> _) = getRef a
  name (a :-> _) = name a
  dbnsfp (a :-> _) = dbnsfp a

-- | Asserts a capture region.
class Capture a where
  getBED :: a -> FilePath

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Capture a => Capture (a :-> b) where
  getBED (a :-> _) = getBED a

-- Hard naming outputs
data Out = Out [FilePath] deriving Show

-- | Explicitly names an output product. Outputs are automatically named in the
-- temporary directory except for this special case: this is how you obtain the
-- artifacts you are specifically interested in.
out = Out

instance Pathable (a :-> Out) where
  paths (_ :-> Out outs) = outs

instance Pathable a => Buildable (a :-> Out) where
  build ((paths -> inputs) :-> Out outs) = zipWithM_ ((liftIO .) . copyFile) inputs outs

$(allTransTagsPipe ''Out)

-- |Datatype to represent fan-in combinations.

data All a where
  All :: (Functor f, Foldable f) => f a -> All a

-- |Fan-in style combinator. Takes a collection of combines their output paths
-- as input paths for the subsequent phase.
withAll :: (Functor f, Foldable f) => f a -> All a
withAll = All

-- | Explicitly construct a fan-in of exactly two items
withPair :: a -> a -> All a
withPair a b = All [a, b]

instance Compilable a => Compilable (All a) where
  compile (All as) = mapM_ compile as

instance Pathable a => Pathable (All a) where
  paths (All ps) = nub $ concatMap paths ps

-- |Fan-ins are 'Referenced' iff all items are consistently 'Referenced'. Problems are caught at runtime unfortunately.
instance Referenced a => Referenced (All a) where
  getRef (All as) =  foldl1 (\l r -> if l == r then l else error "cannot combine mixed references") $ fmap getRef as
  name (All as) =  foldl1 (\l r -> if l == r then l else error "cannot combine mixed references") $ fmap name as
  dbnsfp (All as) =  foldl1 (\l r -> if l == r then l else error "cannot combine mixed references") $ fmap dbnsfp as

-- |Fan-ins are a 'Capture' iff all items are consistent.
instance Capture a => Capture (All a) where
  getBED (All as) = foldl1 (\l r -> if l == r then l else error "cannot combine mixed captures") $ fmap getBED as

instance Show a => Show (All a) where
  show (All as) = foldl1 (\l r -> l ++ "," ++ r) $ fmap show as

$(allTransTags ''All)

-- | Entry point to bioshake. Like 'shakeArgs' but also takes a number of
-- threads to use.
bioshake :: Int -- ^ Number of threads
         -> ShakeOptions -- ^ Options to pass to 'shakeArgs'.
         -> (Implicit Resource => Rules ()) -> IO ()
bioshake n opts cont = shakeArgs opts{shakeThreads = n} $ do
  res <- newResource "cpus" n
  cont $~ res

-- | Creates a temporary directory under a target directory according to a
-- naming template. The directory is cleaned up after executing the action. This
-- differs from "Development.Shake"'s 'withTempDir' in that it takes a target
-- directory and template whereas "Development.Shake" uses /tmp. This is
-- generally more useful, as ./tmp is used as the target directory by convention
-- in BioShake.
withTempDirectory :: FilePath -- ^ Target directory under which the temporary directory is created
                  -> String -- ^ Template for the temporary directory name
                  -> (FilePath -> Action b) -- ^ Action to carry out
                  -> Action b
withTempDirectory targetDir template act = do
  path <- liftIO $ createTempDirectory targetDir template
  act path `actionFinally` (liftIO . ignoringIOErrors $ removeDirectoryRecursive path)

ignoringIOErrors :: IO () -> IO ()
ignoringIOErrors ioe = ioe `E.catch` (\e -> const (return ()) (e :: IOError))